Remove Left Side Panel

Issue #4556 new
Dexll Droid created an issue


I really enjoy using your product. I am a premium member and would like to make a suggestion as to how I would ideally like use the LaunchBox interface. Note, I mainly play using LaunchBox, so that is the focus of this feature request.

Rather than having a side panel list of platforms on the left, I believe the side panel list should be removed in favor of a "Home" or "Platforms" view similar to how the games are shown. This would allow the user to see images of the platforms, as well as additional information about the platform including associated videos, marketing materials, and photographs.

I have developed a mock up of how I believe the interface could look.

Launch Box Platforms Mock Up 01.png

I have also developed an second mock up wherein the buttons and controls along the bottom are moved to unused space above the game display area. I believe this will clean up the interface and maximize the real estate to the user.

Launch Box Platforms Mock Up 02.png

This second mock up is more and afterthought to the main enhancement I outlined first. I genuinely believe providing a "Home" or "Platforms" view over a flat list, showing images, information, and related media will materially enhance your product and the end-user enjoyment.

Running LaunchBox Version 8.8-beta-4 on Windows 10 Pro 1803.

Comments (2)

  1. Balthazar Berstärke

    While the sidebar and footer are fine, I feel it would be a good option to maximize the game list section (I'm going to call it "real estate" because I don't know what's the correct term here) and give the games list more room (which allows for bigger images or more games per row as desired). I know that the sidebar can be toggled both from menu or by keyboard shortcut. However, I believe that the sidebar can be made entirely opional by the adition of UI elements either at the header or footer of the launchbox.

    I've identified four elements in the sidebar: The hamburger button, the search bar, the group type selector and the group list.

    Hamburger button

    This is already covered, as the launchbox logo already works as a menu button when the sidebar is closed.

    2019-01-06 12_17_02-LaunchBox.png

    A new search bar could be placed in one of at least three possible positions:

    a) At the header


    b) With the upper tool buttons


    c) by the footer


    A fourth option would require more work, but IMO would be the best, which is to have the search bar invisible by default, turning visible when the user starts typing. Right now, when the user hits a key, they are taken to the next game starting with that key. This could be fully replaced with the search function, with the added bonus that typing filters the list further instead of jumping all over the place. This option also gives freedom to place the active search bar anywhere, maybe even as a floating element or in some other creative way

    header-4.png (note: odd-looking design is just a rush job and for dramatic effect)

    Group listing and group selector

    Those two elements are essentially serving the same goal, so I'll treat them as one.

    The selector and the list can be easily (and logically, on a UX sense) found along with the header.


    While open: group-2.png

  2. RetroFrogg

    I like Dexyll's idea. I have mentioned something similar on the forums and on the discord, and was going to add a request but thought I would join in with this one.

    I think that Launchbox would be vastly improved if there could be a little more focus on the systems/platforms, rather than just the games. It would appeal to the collector and retro gaming enthusiast in many of us.

    I would propose a different approach to Dexyll however. I would keep the current platform tree on the left. The big blocky icons in Dexyll's mock up are rather ugly and crude IMHO. I would suggest that when you click on the platform on the left, then the platform details appear in the screen to the right. These details would include the platform video (which is currently shoiwn in BigBox but not Launchbox), platform images (including of the platform, controller, box, manuals, accessories, etc), platform information and a space for notes. The games themselves would be included in sub-nodes under that platform node (e.g. "all games", and other playlists for that platform). Keep the ability to group nodes, e.g. consoles/nintendo/NES etc.

    This should perhaps be available to the user as a view option, rather than as the default UI, as some may prefer to have just the game information. But adding and expanding on the platform info would be amazing.

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