Image group per game

Issue #4583 new
Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen created an issue

We are lacking a feature for image group per game. For some games you may want a different image group than for others, and therefore such a feature would be nice to have :) This could be added as a left an option when you left click on a game and/or in the edit section.

Comments (6)

  1. RetroFrogg

    Interesting - can you give an example of when you might want to display a different image group for a game?

  2. Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen reporter

    If a game doesn't have box-front (For example, lots of Japanese Nintendo Game Boy games).

    Imagine a image group setup where you have the following priorities, from highest to lowest priority. Box-front -> Screenshot-title -> Banner Now for some games the Banner might be better than the Screenshot - title, and other games the Screenshot-title will be best. But because Screenshot-title is higher prioritized it will always show that instead of Banner. The option to edit and mass edit image group for selected games would be a really easy way to get the pictures you want. You could of course label the Banner photo as a Screenshot-title photo instead, but that would cause problems if the pictures are ever updated.

    I hope that explained it, if not feel free to ask more 😃

  3. RetroFrogg

    Coincidentally, I made a bunch of 3D boxes for the Japanese Game Boy games. Happy to share them if you're interested. I think they look fairly good, though I cheated with the (narrow) side art as it's simply the front cover squashed into the side. Due to the angle you can't really see it though, so in the absence of anything better I'm happy with it :)

    Your explanation is fine, and I think it's a good request - hence I have voted for it.

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