Drag and drop images error

Issue #4584 new
Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen created an issue

The version of LaunchBox you are using:

  • Launchbox 8.9

The version of Windows you are using:

  • Windows 10 64bit

How often the issue occurs:

  • Every time so far

Steps to reproduce the issue if you are able to reproduce it:

  • right click game -> Edit -> Drag and drop images(more than one) from google-> click OK.

The complete error that shows up in LaunchBox, if there is one (with all error text)


  • IN TEXT FORMAT: An error occurred while copying or moving images: Could not find file 'C+Users+jorge\AppData\Local\Temp\jb4fqyve.bmp'.

Things to note:

  • My Launchbox folder is located on an external harddive (F:)
  • Same error with images from Google and gamefabrique.com

Edit: Put in some spaces for easier reading

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