Timeline Support for Themes

Issue #4594 new
Idgarad Lyracant created an issue

As a historian in focus it would be nice for a view that is a timeline by year. With Attract Mode the ability to progress through the collection by year (an advanced slide show of sorts) would be nice to have. For a collector\archivist when I have visitors to be able to sit down and progress through the years would be nice.


Similar to sorting by year an attact mode (Historic Attract) would select a given year and play up to X number of game videos randomly selected from that year. Then move to the next available year.

Think of it almost as an automated way to make a mini-series of multi-media tour of game history. My collection also contains commercials and advertisements for titles so it would be nice for the attract mode to be linear rather then random based on the year.

In addition the ability to specify a playlist in themes would be nice for each title so a sequence or random video can be played.

I'd like to be able to browse a title and see for example: The commercial first, then the title screen video, then a game play sample, then perhaps a review or satire video (angry video game nerd for example) for a given title.

perhaps a structure like:

file: file1.mpg
type: commecial
file: file2.mpg
type: titlescreen
file: file3.mpg
type: gameplay
url: http://youtube.com/someone/abc123
type: review

structure for the playlist entry.

Comments (3)

  1. RetroFrogg

    Wow this request sounds pretty niche! I'm intrigued - what's a "historian in focus"?

    I would like to see Launchbox able to support multiple videos for platforms - including, as you mention, the main platform video, the system commercial, and other notable videos. I had previously requested that Launchbox focus a little more on platforms rather than just games, with the ability to have Launchbox display the platform video and information in a better way, a bit like how BigBox does. I think your request links in with this a little.

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