Recently played list

Issue #4595 resolved
Andrew Griffiths created an issue

I'm moving over from Hyperspin and one of the main reasons is there doesnt seem to be a good way to collate my recently played games

I would like a list in LaunchBox to be able to see this, both globally and by system would be ideal - I feel this would be a great way to continue the breakout usp's of LaunchBox!

Comments (3)

  1. Bryan Kosman

    Hey Andrew, you can do this already. You can create a smart playlist by "Last Played" and set the amount of time games are shown there, and that's it. Monkus explains it greatly in this topic:

    I wanted the same list as you, so I even threw in there a clear logo and video for it:

    Hope the above helps. If so, you can close the issue ;) Take care!

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