Add Audit Tool Settings Menu to select which columns to display

Issue #4628 new
Bryan Kosman created an issue

It would be great for the Audit Tool to have a settings section in LB, so the user could select which values/columns to audit. By doing this the audit tool will be able to display what is needed on that specific auditing, and will be able to display much more/different info than what it currently has.

Comments (2)

  1. Bryan Kosman reporter

    Yeap; the idea for custom columns is to let the user select which value he/she wants to audit (manuals included). So if I only want to know which games have/miss manuals, I can only check the Manuals box, and leave everything else unchecked; that way the audit process will take a lot less time to process the whole games list, and will only display the relevant information to the user.

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