LB: Use the blank space of a currently-displayed platform, category or playlist for new context (right-click) menus

Issue #4630 new
EazyCheeze1978 created an issue

Currently when I right click in a blank space on a currently displayed category, platform or playlist, I get the same menu that I get when I right click on a game, which in this instance has most of the options grayed out except to change the currently displayed image group or to add an image. I have a suggestion that may help us as users accomplish much going forward.

Let's have a set of new right-click menus that will change depending on which type of list is being currently displayed in the main view. These new items are always to be, of course, found in the hamburger menu, but that is often rather inconvenient to have to go through every time we want to select a new function, especially if the function in question is behind a cascade menu.

These are just examples, with much potential other than what I'm mentioning here. Of course, selecting a new image group or adding an image could be present in all of the list types' new menus if desired.

For a category, the menu could include the option to create a new subcategory or playlist within, with the displayed category being automatically selected as the new category or playlist's first parent.

For a platform, the menu could include options to audit that platform, to scan for new ROMs that are found in that platform's folder or to auto generate game mode and genre playlists as was recently introduced in 9.0, as well as the options that are specific to a category inasmuch as the more detailed nesting features introduced in 8.8 allow.

And for a playlist, especially for one auto-populated with ROMs from multiple platforms, right clicking could include an option to scan for new ROMs in all platforms that the playlist covers, as well as options from the previous two list types inasmuch as the more detailed nesting features allow.

I believe that if these new menus are implemented, that they will increase efficiency and overall entertainment value when working within the LaunchBox interface.

I reiterate that I absolutely love LaunchBox and will continue to use it for the rest of my life if able. And I will continue to suggest new features and report bugs as they occur to me. Keep up the wonderful work, Jason and everyone at Unbroken!

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