Additional Application Templates

Issue #4659 new
Adam Fry created an issue

To streamline the process of adding an additional application to a game, a "manage additional application templates" screen could be added and users could be given an option to select from the list of additional application templates when adding an additional application to a game. Selecting a template when adding an additional application to a game would populate all of the additional application fields in the game specific additional application and then users could continue to customize the settings as needed on a game by game basis.

I have a small handful of additional applications that I use from time to time. Whenever I add a new game that requires an additional application I need to remember all of the settings for the additional application and manually key them in. This process is cumbersome since the window is modal and I cannot see other additional application settings from one game while editing the settings on another. I often find myself looking for a game with the settings that I need, opening the additional application for the existing game, copying the settings into notepad, then go to the new game and copy/paste my additional application settings for the new game. Generally the settings are identical from one game to the next with an occasional change to a command line parameter.

Some examples of additional application settings that I find myself configuring from time to time are as follows:

  • XPADDER Profiles - I have an additional application that opens XPADDER with a game specific profile for some games. For those games, I have another additional application which sets a a default empty XPADDER profile on exit.

  • Steam Games - I am running launchbox on an arcade cabinet without a network connection so I have an additional application that runs on startup of all steam games to set steam to run in offline mode and not prompt to go online. On close, steam resets those settings so I run this batch file on start of all steam games to avoid the go online prompt.

  • Redream Configuration File - Most dreamcast games require the use of the D-PAD but some require the use of a joystick. In redream, I can map my arcade joystick to the dreamcast D-PAD or the dreamcast joystick but not both at the same time. For games that require a joystick, I have an additional application that replaces the redream config file with a config file to map to the joystick on startup and resets to a config file that maps to the joystick on close.

There are several other scenarios where additional applications are helpful. Defining additional application settings in templates and allowing those settings to copy on a game specific additional application from the template would streamline this process.

Another feature request asks to allow bulk edit of additional applications. An additional application template feature may be useful in the implementation of an additional application bulk edit feature.

Thanks for your consideration!

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