[FEATURE REQUEST] Bigbox: Category 1 click/Combined Auto-Generated Playlists

Issue #4680 new
Cody created an issue

Allow us to view all of a categories games in one list in bigbox instead of going through each platform. And allow us to have combined auto-generated playlists for all platforms underneath a category.

For clarity: An example would be Super Nintendo. Under the "Super Nintendo" category, I have Super Nintendo, Sufami Turbo, and Satellaview. If I want to view all of these platforms together in Launchbox, I can just click the "Super Nintendo" category. However, there is no way to click the category in Bigbox and just display all contained games, rather it makes you select the individual platforms.

A great addition to this would be combined playlists. Rather than individual auto-generated playlists for my 3 "Super Nintendo" sub platforms, I should have the option to have 1 favorites list across all, and 1 set of auto-generated playlists across all.