Collections/Playlist freezing issue!

Issue #4685 resolved
IceLancer SR created an issue

Hey, Can this be addressed and fixed for good?

Pay Attention to 35seconds Mark. I added timer for easier viewing.

It takes 10 seconds when hovering over playlist. And another 10 seconds when attempting to enter the same.

My Data folder, zipped.

Its totally preventing me from using BB as a front end if i have to watch 20 seconds of..freeze every time i start bigbox

Affected :

Playlist (Collections-Major)

Genres (Minor)

Arcade (Minor)

P.S No, i do not have rusty bucket of a PC. Intel quad core 6600k , 16gb DDR3 ram. Launchbox is stored on fairly new Western Digital 4tb hdd drive.

Comments (11)

  1. IceLancer SR reporter

    In the moment of video recording (u can see date and time in BB , version of LB is 9.2 Latest beta

  2. IceLancer SR reporter

    Can i expect any progress in this? Or just forget about it and fcking move on to another front end. Right now , this is totally not acceptable. I loose entire minute just to get to the game because of watching on frozen screens!

    And most funny thing is , that if i press Escape and click "playlists" on left side, that opens instantly with ALL playlists! Now why the hell is category being so fcked up then?There is nothing in "collections" category BUT playlist ! Then just give me a copy paste of that playlist button to my platform list on the right side and be done with it!

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Sorry for the delay on this; honestly I'm just now seeing it. It might be better to troubleshoot this on the forums.

    I downloaded your data folder and plugged it into a new installation, and I don't see any delays at all anywhere, not even when loading up the Collections category. It could still somehow be related to media though, since I used a collection without media (I don't have your media). It would be worth trying a few things to see what might be causing it, such as removing all media temporarily to see if it's media-related.

    What version are you running?

  4. IceLancer SR reporter

    9.4-4 And yes its definitely problem if u miss games/media. I have attempted with just 10 xml files and delay imidiatelly jumps to 3 seconds delay. Once i add couple more it goes up and up

    But as i said , there is Playlist button on left side , entire playlist shows in an instant without any delay what so ever. But the created category "collections" gets massive delays and it loads the exact same xml files as "playlist" I totally dont understand logic behind it.

    P.S the most crazies thing is that hard disk is not doing anything or at least there is no indication of doing something when i click on "category" it just freezes BB ,twice. At the end i would really love if i could just copy paste that playlist button from left to my category and use that instead ..that one is instant show

  5. IceLancer SR reporter

    Addendum, if i could debug more whats going on to help, i would. I see no way how. Only i could do is to offer u remote access for you to see ur self. But there is nothing out of ordinary in my setup tho

  6. IceLancer SR reporter

    I think for you , the biggest question is: Why is it freezing when i just move over to colections ? I am not trying to access it , i just browse to it and it freezes for entire 10 seconds. Why would it do that? I tried without images and without videos, just xml's Moving over collections BB goes ape. and then another 10 second ape when i attempt to enter it. Mind you, that is only happening first time.

  7. IceLancer SR reporter

    My god..................... PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! I turned off game counting plugin..**

    <!-- <HelperControl:TotalGamesCount FontFamily="{StaticResource FontBebasNeue}" FontSize="50" Foreground="White" DockPanel.Dock="Left" /> -->

    THAT was the cause for all this.. There is absolutely no delays any more.... I was using ur universal theme mind you

  8. IceLancer SR reporter

    PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! I turned off game counting plugin..**

    <!-- <HelperControl:TotalGamesCount FontFamily="{StaticResource FontBebasNeue}" FontSize="50" Foreground="White" DockPanel.Dock="Left" /> -->

    THAT was the cause for all this.. There is absolutely no delays any more.... I was using ur universal theme mind you

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