Screenshots with no region do not display for games with a region set

Issue #4687 new
Adam - created an issue

This is a rather odd issue but proven to be a bit of a nuisance. When downloading screenshots for a game, it's expected that the region determines which images are downloaded.

However, I've run into an entry where it'll download the North America images as well as other images with no region specified. This can cause it to only show the North America images and hide all others despite not having a region set for that game entry.

I know about the region priority setting in the options for Launchbox and how it can affect this but it would be nice that screenshots with no region set still show up and get downloaded. For example, screenshots for a game with the North America region will still display images that have no region set.

Might be a nice idea to have a checkbox for allowing this behavior if desired in the Region Priority section in Options now that I think about it.

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