Suggestion for new functions: Easy favourites and region specific view/ replacement of pictures

Issue #4694 new
Marvin Boyle created an issue

Hi there, I have 3 suggestions for (in my opinion) very useful functions which I'm missing in Launchbox (I'm talking about the normal mode, not bigbox mode):

1) Easy favourites: In my opinion it's too fiddly to show all the favourite games. You first have to click on all games, than select the filter "favourite" and then click the value "yes". That's just too complicated. It would be great if there were a big button on top somewhere which allows to see all your favourites with just one click.

2) Region specific view of pictures: I'm missing a function to say for example that I only want the European covers and not the Chinese ones. Or at least that the European/ US version of the cover should always come before the Chinese version. That of course requires that every picture has a region flag, don't know if you already have that.

3) Region specific view of pictures: Together with point 2, also a region specific replacement function would make sense. For example I only have pictures of the US cartridges in my SNES collection, but I want to have them replaced by the European cartridge pictures if available. The replacement function should be like this: For GameSystemXY replace PictureTypeXY_US by PictureTypeXY_EUR if available, otherwise keep PictureTypeXY_US

Thank you very much for your great work, love Launchbox!

Best Regards

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