Two way name validation

Issue #4706 new
Glauco Fox created an issue

So one idea I had to make all filenames to be scrape-ready would be to have a two way name validation, I know this can go very wrong, so I was thinking of database populated by the community use. I don't know the actual cost of this in terms of traffic but bear with me.

Let me break it down:

It will be a 4 field table with id, original_file_name, launchbox_suggested_filename and votes:

  1. User CTRL+E on a game and fixes the game's name so it can be scraped
  2. User selects the right game name from the Launchbox suggestion list
  3. Launchbox asks if user wants to also update the filename, so it's never wrong again.
  4. Launchbox checks if the current filename exists on the database
  5. If it does then this id is updated with +1 vote
  6. If it doesn't a new register is created with 1 vote
  7. The greater the vote count the more reliable the data is.
  8. Eventually LaunchBox will have enough data to suggest more accurately the name of the game.

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