A simple graphical effect, that marks completion.

Issue #4728 new
Tim Somebody created an issue

Hello, what I am proposing is something I can already do (albeit a bit roundabout) but I propose some kind of visual acknowledgement for games that have been marked completed, a gold frame, a ribbon, really anything. This slight enhancement will give the user some form of accomplishment when scrolling though all of their library, making sites like backloggery and other software completed applications less useful, and driving users to use lauchbox instead. Thank you for your software and I hope you consider my proposal.

Comments (2)

  1. Christmas J

    Simple Overlays for both Launchbox and Bigbox is something I've been waiting for many years.

    At least for basic checkbox we have: 003 03-04-2019.png

    1. Favorite: Heart icon on left bottom corner on Box Art
    2. Completed: Check icon on left bottom corner on Box Art
    3. Broken: X or ? icon on left bottom corner on Box Art
    4. (additonal) In Progress: Half filled Circle icon on left bottom corner on Box Art.

    References: 001 03-04-2019.png 002 03-04-2019.png

  2. Dr F

    Rating stars as well.

    And if this gets implemented, don't forget to make the icons available as columns in list view.

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