Overall slow performance

Issue #4735 invalid
Martijn created an issue

The overall performance of bigbox (9.3) is somewhat slow (compared to hyperspin or other frontends).

I have a GTX 950 and I5 processor. Installed only one system (NES). Tried different themes.

Hyperspin is a graphic intensive front end that runs smoother. I think priority one should be making LB smoother (which should be possible as there are many frontends that show this).

Windows 10 latest version and launchbox 9.3

I hope priority for LB is given to (1) stability and (2) performance over features (hope is will not become to complicated to maintain).

Comments (6)

  1. Lord Monkus

    Yes we all know that LB is slow compared to other frontends on older hardware but Launchbox has a much more active development and how it is made allows for more rapid updates compared to other frontends. It's also much easier to use and has more features, this is the trade off. Improving performance is always looked at and done where possible but because how it is made it will never be as fast as those other frontends on lower end hardware.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Yeah, we do focus a ton on performance, but the goal is not to be "as fast as other frontends on old hardware". LaunchBox and Big Box use very modern techs, which don't work all that well on low-end stuff, which is as intended. The number of advantages we have over other frontends because of these more modern technologies well outweighs the cost in our opinion.

  3. David Hooper

    The painfully slow operation of LaunchBox (particularly when scrolling lists) on decent hardware was a real turnoff for me and really made me not want to buy it. But eventually I did anyway ^_^

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