Joystick moves 2 places only in BB interface

Issue #4746 new
Travis B created an issue

Hey. When I am in the BB interface moving the joystick up and down caused the position to jump 2 spots. It only does it in the BB interface and not in Launch box. I have tried running on Win 7 and Windows 10 now and on 9.3 and now 9.4 B8 The joystick controller is a Jamma usb duel controller board. It is seen in Win 10 as a generic usb game controller and in the game controller settings it sees it as a MICREAL USB Controller. Have googled but nothing of use was found.

I can get it to move just one spot "sometimes" by holding the joystick to a corner but it is very sensitive and still often moves 2 spots.

From my testing i am guessing that there is possibly not enough repeat delay and a very fast repeat rate and as such BB is seeing two movements. But you can't edit these settings unlike a keyboard. I can't explain why it only happens in BB and not LB. If I hold the joystick down or up for example it really flies though the games list. where as if you press the down key on a keyboard it is much slower.

Hoping there might be some way to resolve this as it makes navigating in BB almost impossible. That or you just play every other game.. LOL

Comments (12)

  1. Lord Monkus

    This is a known issue with Steam, I believe the fix is to disable the controller in either Steam or BigBox because both are trying to control BigBox.

  2. Travis B reporter

    Hi. I am not running Steam. Mine is just set up as a MAME cab.

    If the joysticks are disabled in BB then there is no control at all in BB from the joystick.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Some controllers can be set up to operate as both a keyboard and a game controller. Do you have game controllers disabled in Big Box?

  4. Travis B reporter

    Hey Jason Currently I don’t have anything set up like xpander to opperate the joystick as a keyboard. Also The computer just sees the joysticks as game controllers only.

    Currently Game controllers are turned on in BB, I have tried the “use all” option (as I have two joysticks) and I have tried to use just one. Both have the same effect. If I turn off Game Controllers in BB then the joystick does nothing.

    I also have game controllers turned in in LB, would this effect it?


  5. Travis B reporter

    just FYI. I tried turning game controllers off in LB to see if it had an effect, but unfortunately when I opened BB it still jumped two spaces.

  6. Jason Carr repo owner

    The only other thing I can think of is that maybe your controller board is actually registering as two different game controller devices at once. Do you have Use All Controllers checked in the Big Box options? Can you try unchecking that and specifying a single game controller to use?

  7. Travis B reporter

    Hey. Yea, I tried both "use all controllers" tick and unticked, same issue.

    It is almost like BB it is too sensitive and not giving the controller a chance to disengage. It is really odd however that there is now issue if you say hold to the right and then pull down into the corner. This too is super sensitive but I have had success in at least moving one spot at a time.

    Is there any way BB joystick sensitivity could be reduced?

  8. Travis B reporter

    I have done some more testing. I loaded up some other Mame front ends and this issue does not exist.

    It seems to only be a problem in BB. So I can only assume it might be a BB issue. If the joystick controller is sending repeat commands to quickly when holding down the joystick could BB be seeing it as two quick movements??

  9. Jason Carr repo owner

    I did a tiny bit of research on this and it appears that the board is supposed to show up as two separate controllers, which I suspect is what's causing the problem, though I can't really confirm. I suspect that it's only happening in Big Box because Big Box is the only app that attempts to read inputs from multiple controllers.

    What does the Device: setting read for you in Big Box under the controller options?

  10. Travis B reporter

    Hey Jason.

    Yea this controller is seen as two joysticks. It has a jamma output. Top side is player one and solder side is player two.

    In both windows game controllers and Big Box it shows me two controllers, I get two entries of MICREAL USB Controller

    In BB the option in the joystick section has that tick box for Use all controllers and I have tried both ticking and unticking that and makes no difference. I have also tried using each of the MICREAL USB Controllers that you see in BB ie Player 1 and Player 2 and both joysticks do the same thing.

    Why do you think BB would still be taking input from multiple controllers if i have unticked use all Controllers and physically picked the controller to use for navigation.

    Thank you Jason for your help here in trying to get this working. I appreciate it.

  11. Travis B reporter

    Hey Mate.

    So have been messing around with it today and thing I have got a work around. I have disabled all controllers and am using the program JOYTOKEY to map the joystick to keyboard inputs.

    Working a treat, I can move up and down now in BB perfectly and it doesn't effect the gameplay in any other emulators.

    I needed to use it for Daphne and it gave me the idea to also use it for BB.

  12. Jason Carr repo owner

    Gotcha. I'm glad you've got it working at least. I think it's being picked up twice because the controller is named exactly the same for both joysticks, and they're being identified as one in Big Box. Gonna keep this ticket open until I can look into that. Thanks Travis.

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