platform categories broken

Issue #4751 invalid
T.J Sidhu created an issue

Hi Jason (Or Other Techs)

Hope you're doing well

I'm Using V9.3, windows 10.

So i auto-filled the platform cats which worked fine a few days ago, until I added 3 extra systems today. ie Atari ST, wonerderswan ect

Atari st and the other 2 system were not under the computers section, I auto-filled the atari system and LB crashed.

Every time I choose Platform cats, LB now crashes. when I reload LB it opens fine in platforms.

how do I remove all platform cats from my LB without me messing anything up as I have nearly 40,000 games on my LB.

Can this be done in a xml file? (Sorry I haven't used LB in the last year and I'm not up to date with all the new stuff)

I would like to re attempt to auto fill again at some point but I'm guessing i won't be able to add a system after. with out having this issue again, im unsure if i have done something to cause the problem. Or I am very happy to remove the extra platform cats leave everything in the normal platforms.

Let me know if I can send you anything to help, log files etc

Many Thanks


Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi TJ, situations and questions like this are best discussed on the LaunchBox forums. Can you please move this discussion over there? We can better help you troubleshoot this over there on the forums. Thanks!

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