feature request: TV/Movie Scrapper for big box

Issue #4758 invalid
Anthony Ruggerio created an issue

I have started to use launch box/bigbox as a fronted for my video as well as games is there a way to scrape meta data for movies and TV shows with out doing it manual as I have been. I have more than 500 movies and hundreds of anime and TV shows to do this manual would take years. please let me know if this is something that may be coming down the pike.

If not that's cool. if i'm being honest fell guilty asking for anything since i think i paid 10 bucks for a lifetime licence and have gotten more than my moneys worth keep up the good work thanks for the best frontend out there.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thank you Anthony, we may do a movie application of sorts here at some point, but we probably won't be adding a movie scraper to Big Box itself.

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