Launch an AHK script *before* the emulator instead of *with* it.

Issue #4761 closed
Tom Dudman created an issue

I use and AHK script to set up light guns before playing. Until now I have used RocketLauncher to achieve this. With RocketLauncher development being almost non-existent and with Launchbox now having start-up screens, I would very much like to have this functionality in Launchbox and be able to get rid of RocketLauncher all together.

Thanks for reading!

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi TheOriginal, this should already be possible using Additional Applications. Just add an additional app to the game to launch the AutoHotkey script, and check the boxes to "automatically run before main application" and "wait for exit". We can help on the forums if you need.

  2. Tom Dudman reporter

    Thank you for the reply. While what you suggest is true, it quickly becomes tiresome to add the file to multiple games. Is there a method to do that? Also, is there somewhere a list of variables that can be passed by launchbox to an external program? I know %romfile% is one, but what are the others?

    Edit: After some experimentation, it doesn't appear that you can pass any variables to an external script or executable. If I'm wrong, please could you explain how? Otherwise, my original request still stands and could you please re-open it?

    Thank you.

    Edit 2: I've managed to pass variables to my script by using it in place of LED blinky, so it appears that it should at least be possible. Unfortunately using this method won't pause before the emulator loads.

  3. Tom Dudman reporter
    • changed status to open

    I've added some more pertinent information. If you need any more, please let me know.

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