Error exception when switching from WMP to VLC in BB

Issue #4780 new
Kevin Horsten created an issue


Having issues with background video in themes CriticalZone and CityHunter (both lastest versions). Initially video doesn't play, only after I enter/exit BigBox settings menu or after browsing to a platform games list and back does it display the background video.

BigBox is set to use VLC. For testing I switched to WMP. With WMP the background started playing straightaway after launching BB. But when which back from WMP to VLC I got the follow error exception (see attachment) as soon as I exit out of BB settings menu.

Not sure if it is an theme issue or BB. Just thought I should report on it.

on latest BB 9.5 on w10pro latest updates

Thanks Kevin

My apologies for the bad quality picture (took it with my phone) I didn't have any other means to capture it at the time.

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