Option to hide auto-populated playlists in "Add to Playlist" menu

Issue #4831 invalid
Dr F created an issue

I would like to see an option to NOT show auto-populated playlists in the "Add to Playlist" context menu that you get when you right-click a game. They're auto-populated, so there's no reason to manually add games to them.

I have about 50 auto-populated playlists right now, and it makes that menu very hard to work with when I want to add games to manually-populated playlists.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Dr F, this should already be implement in 9.7. If you're seeing auto-populated playlists show up in that menu, it's probably because the playlists were created in an early beta or something like that. If you clear out and re-generate those playlists, they should stop showing up there.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Odd. Let's discuss on the forums if possible. If you can PM me a zip of your LaunchBox\Data folder, I can look into it.

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