Universal menu accessible in all games, maybe binded to Xbox Guide button - useful for exiting games, other possible things

Issue #4860 new
Matt Dawson created an issue

It would be cool if, during any game, I could press the Xbox Guide button, and it would pause the game, and bring up a menu. The menu could have options but most importantly it would have a button for "Exit game." This feature could be binded to the Guide button but also customizable to whatever buttons the user wants.

The reason for this is I think it would be a better way to exit games using only a controller.

From what I understand, in certain emulators, with Premium, you can set a controller binding to "exit" emulators, so you don't have to touch the keyboard. This of course is very convenient.

The reason this worries me though is, believe it or not, there've been times playing games with friends on emulators (separate from Launchbox), and I had a similar setup with my controller. I was able to exit emulators with just the controller, and sometimes, especially during a game where my friend didn't know what he was doing and he was just randomly mashing buttons, he ended up exiting the game completely.

I know it sounds like a super rare issue, but accidents do happen, and to be immediately kicked out of a game because you accidentally pressed your pre-set "Close emulator" buttons is quite frustrating.

An "overlay" (like in Steam Big Picture mode) would solve this, especially if it was the Xbox Guide button. It could just have a simple menu and have an option of "Exit game." No one is likely to ever accidentally hit the Xbox guide button. And it gives you an extra chance to stop and go "Woah, I didn't mean to press that," instead of just immediately closing an emulator.

Of course I think the Xbox home button is perfect for this, but I know it doesn't make sense to cater to Xbox controllers when so many other controllers are used. But really, any kind of universal overlay feature accessible by pressing some pre-assigned controller buttons would also solve the "stupid friends accidentally closing emulators" problem.

I'm curious what other people think.

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