Dynamic Length Startup Screens

Issue #4892 new
Simon Mischenko created an issue

Problem: The “minimum” timer for Startup screens is overly restrictive and I’d love to see it be fully dynamic, ie lasting precisely as long as it takes to launch an emulator screen. I’m capable of setting up an AHK script that detects when a new or specifically named window has launched but I don’t think there’s a way to use that script to trigger the Startup/Shutdown screens. To that end, this seems like a perfectly reasonable job for Launchbox to handle as a default feature.

Context: My game library runs on a remote network share over ftp, and I’m beholden to the rate at which I can grab files from that server remotely. In the case of N64 games as an example, this can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 50-ish seconds (so far highest recorded) from pressing play to having a game start. Having a slider for individual emulators is nice and lets me beef up the time to 30 on N64 specifically, but it’s still kind of goofy-looking when some games show a startup splash, return to menu, and then start after a delay. Anyone I hand a controller to has no idea what’s going on for 20 or so seconds on seemingly random games. I know the setting probably isn’t hardcoded and it’s likely I could extend the time by modifying a settings.xml, but I’d really like it to not overshoot either.

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