Universal controller mapping

Issue #4897 duplicate
Shaun Hartsell created an issue

I tried to look to see if this was proposed already but I cant figure this system out. My only issue is I have numerous controllers. Genesis and Saturn USB controllers, Xbox one controllers, ps4 controller, some 8bitdo, an xbox 360 fight stick, game cube controllers, wiimotes and a stream controller. Would be nice if Lunch box/big box could see all the controllers currently connected and allow you to select which ones to use for each player. I like how in retropi it sees the controller then you can do universal mapping for it. Not sure if that can be implemented in launch box. Just seems like we would need LB to overwrite the config files for each emulator to do this. That would mean the feature can only work with the emulators you support in LB. Some like redream may not need that as it automatically does this some how.

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