Proposed new button mapping....Jump forward a letter on the games list...and option to disable left vertical letter jumping menu

Issue #4899 new
Freddy created an issue

For controls panels with alot of buttons, I think a keyboard mapping for a button that jumps forward to next letter would be
a nice addition. Also, a button that jumps back to the previous letter.

My plan would be to use my game buttons next to my joystick on the control panel.
So, the joystick moves one game up/down, left most game buttons page-up/down (using existing feature) and next buttons jump letter up/down (using new proposed feature)

My kids struggle to use the left menu (ie move joystick left and you get letter vector….I think the button method would be easier for them…In fact, I would love an option checkbox to prevent the left letter menu. My kids try to scroll down the games and accidentally trigger it all the time and it confuses them.

