launchbox removes games data

Issue #4918 invalid
Ryan Spunt created an issue

it specfically keeps removing the same games from my ps2 and snes collection it happened after the latest patch and removes those games data from launch box everytime i hard reboot it

Comments (15)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    I believe this was investigated on the forums and it was determined that LaunchBox was being force closed via Task Manager, causing the issue.

  2. Ryan Spunt reporter

    However i explained to them that is actually not the case and this issue can actually be caused by exiting launchbox no matter the method, since then i had received no reply.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Unfortunately I can’t reproduce that, and it’s never been reported by anyone else. It’s possible that somehow the collection got messed up because of all of the repeated End Task operations.

  4. Ryan Spunt reporter

    trust me it has nothing do with me end tasking launch box. i normally dont end task launchbox and only used that as an example for a hard reset. the problem is any hard reset example being turning off computer and opening program for first time or closing program for extended amount of time and then opening the program will cause this. i only end tasked the program so i could video record the action taking place because then they would of have kept accusing me of not having view boxes on. for about a month i didnt even use launchbox then i got the update for 9.9 and this problem emerged. update 9.9 is whats causing this not anything on my end its pretty transparent.

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    The outcome is exactly the same between something like a Windows crash, unsafely powering down the computer, or ending the LaunchBox task, and all of those can cause you to lose games you’ve added if you don’t let LaunchBox finish the saving process first. I assume that’s what you mean by a “hard reset”. This is normal application behavior and is by design. There’s nothing we can do to prevent this if you don’t allow LaunchBox to finish the saving process. Generally, “hard resets” as you describe are destructive; that’s just how computers work.

  6. Ryan Spunt reporter

    that is not what i mean at all. i mean that launchbox when you close and open it remembers that you recently opened it and powers on faster without showing the add for music box. when you do a new boot of the program ie after restarting your computer then launch box forgets that you opened it previously and also loses the data that you have added. what i mean by hard reset to the program is the act of it forgetting you were previously on it.

  7. Jason Carr repo owner

    To be honest that’s not true at all. There are no differences between opening LaunchBox for the first time during a bootup and subsequent openings without rebooting. The welcome screen you’re referring to only re-shows up after installing a new version, and has nothing to do with rebooting.

  8. Ryan Spunt reporter

    why does it show the add then when you first start but not when you open it after closing it?

  9. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Ryan, the way it works is it only re-shows it after upgrading to a new version. After you check the box to hide it, it will hide it until a new version is installed. It really has nothing to do with a reboot.

  10. Ryan Spunt reporter

    im sending this to prove once and for all that it has nothing to do with the task manager and simply the ps2 and snes library ive reinstalled the program and the results are consistent this problem began with the new update and the issue is on the sfotware developers end not my own ive felt like it been extremly difficult to get that message across

  11. Jason Carr repo owner

    I am the developer, and I’m trying to work through this with you. The challenge is that this issue is completely unique to your system, and we haven’t been getting straightforward information from you, so it’s been very difficult. For example, previously you communicated that the issue was only happening on a reboot, but now this video is showing that it’s happening without a reboot.

    The first thing I would check is to see if the Date Modified times on the LaunchBox\Data\Platforms XML files are updating you when add games to those platforms. It could be a permissions or a read only file issue where those files are unable to save, or something of that nature. Are you able to check that?

  12. Ryan Spunt reporter

    should i have the file open while im checking or check after? i have an idea what if you do all the troubleshooting on my pc you want through a remote connection thing like parsec?

  13. Ryan Spunt reporter

    the thing with you guys when it comes down to actually troubleshooting you dip. you guys just want to blame other people for your incompetence and not take responsibility for your screw ups

  14. Jason Carr repo owner

    We don’t have access to your computer and can’t personally troubleshoot everyone’s issues with a remote connection. Since you’re unwilling to answer questions, there’s not much we can do. You’re also the only one with this issue, among thousands of people. Unfortunately your attitude suffers, as is clear from the above.

  15. Ryan Spunt reporter

    what questions am i not willing to answer? also im not asking you to troubleshoot everybody's computer im asking you to trouble shoot mine. if im truly one among thousands then wouldn't it be in your best interests to solve this particular issue?

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