Migrate/Export/Copy Selected Games' folders to folder

Issue #4925 new
Austin Fischer created an issue

Hello, I mainly use Launchbox for organizing my Windows and Steam games. As such, I do not really use the ROM features very often. Recently, when I was attempting to find a way to clean up my games library/folders, I found the “Export/Copy ROM Files from selected games to New Folder” tool in the “Tools” menu. When I tested it out on a couple of games in my library, I was dismayed to find that it only copied the .exe file for the games to said folder and left all the script, config, and other data files alone. I was wondering if you could make a slightly modified version of this tool and, have it copy the entire parent folder (called the “Root Folder” in-app) of each of the selected games to the selected folder. As each windows game company can install their game in various folder structures (i.e: C:\Program Files\'GameName', C:\Program Files (x86)\'GameName', C:\Program Files\'GameCompanyName'\'GameName', C:\Program Files (x86)\'GameCompanyName'\'GameName', or to the User’s Home Folder, User’s Desktop Folder, User’s Documents Folder, etc.), it can be rather difficult to keep them organized and efficient. Thus, it would be a Godsend if I could, inside of Launchbox, simply select the Windows Games that I frequently play>>Select this menu tool>> all of the selected games are migrated/copied to an empty folder>> then I can delete all of the other games in the old Location and simply run the library scanner to rebuild the LaunchBox Game Library.

Comments (1)

  1. Retro808

    Definitely something I could see useful for a set group of users. Your best best is the forum or discord. Making a post about your request and linking this bitbucket. Jason does look at what the majority user base is requesting to have implemented. The more users that request something the more likely it has a chance to get added. It is not a large team developing, so he can only do so much.

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