Request: Add "Insert Coins" Option to pause menu for arcade emulators

Issue #4930 new
Chad created an issue

This is something I was working on for my own pause screen program but stopped working on it after the pause screens was released for beta. Essentially the way I was going to do it was in the options menu you choose how many players you want to show up in the pause menu. Then when you enter the insert coins screen on the pause menu you select the player(s) you want to add coins to, use the up/ down arrow to increase or decrease number of coins, then you select an option of “Insert coins” which will unpause the game and use AHK code to send button presses X number of times per player.

Comments (1)

  1. Retro808

    This is probably something that can be done with a custom plugin made by a user. Not sure this is something that would be high on the list of system updates since you can just add coins by the click of a button/key directly in the emulator. But if enough users vote on it maybe it can get added.

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