LaunchBox Own Database Improvements

Issue #495 new
Psico Lock created an issue

I see on the forums that Launchbox may have a fork of TGDB. There's a bunch of improvements acording the flaws i remember on TGDB.

Covers: May be a multiple cover attachments acording regions US/JP/EU/CUSTOM. The custom category is for translated games for the users that want to identify JP roms as official western games or satellaview/nintendo power/betas/hacks that don't have official covers.

Genres: TGDB and other scrappers are very limited on the genres tags, need of adding categorys like pachinko, shougi, Go, Chess, shootemup, beatemup, vs fight, date simulation, visual adventure, survival horror, external hardware games, etc.

Names: I suggest multiple game names acording to GOODROMSETS, HYPERSPINROMSETS,fonetic translations like gamefaqs, strict fonetic translation (special diacritics like emumovies), and the official names of translators teams (like Ranma treasure of the red gang cat or Arabian Nights Desert Spirit King) all of this is to improve scrapping and detection with the choice of prioritize some of them on the view list.

Sagas: An Option to arrange and order games vinculated with a saga but with diferent names that send them into a non order view, you know, parts 1, 2 or 3 of some games but with diferents titles because western translations or imaginative titles that not clearly indicate that is a sequel.

Comments (3)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    For sure some of this is just basic LaunchBox features, but some of this will need to be changed on the Database side. We have improvements like this planned for the future. The only problem is that most of this probably won't be Database side unless users create and input that information. We are based off of the TGDB metadata, and we will certainly make changes ( Like PC and DOS finally being separated for example), but we might not hit every detail the same way.

    Also, if we do base anything off of rom set's we will most likely go based on the No-Intro sets. Good Rom Sets as they're filled with tons of extra versions of games and would ultimately be counter productive.

    We also want to try and improve Japanese game detection as well, though MobyGames and Giant Bomb will be a big boon to that once those are added in. GameFaq's we can not scrape, so unfortunately we will not have anything based off of them.

  2. Psico Lock reporter

    Well, when i mention gamefaqs is not for the use of their database. To clarify, my concerns are about the decision to adapt japanese games. There are two choices, scrict fonetic translations like mobygames (example: 3x3 Eyes: Jūma Hōkan in mobygames, 3x3 Eyes: Juuma Houkan in gamefaqs and the majority of romsets) The mobygames is the best adaptation but triggers errors with scrappers because special diacritics and is not present in the common available romsets. The common adaptation is the gamefaqs choice, fonetic translation without special diacritics. I agree with the no intro choice as best, but the stuffed of crap goodromset are very common, to improve scrapping may be useful to include. As a example, includes GoodSNES, Nointro and Zapatabase in their database.

  3. Psico Lock reporter

    I'm really excited to contribute to the launchbox database, i made a lot of work adding info and images on TGDB and now is broken.

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