Steam Import Incomplete without errors

Issue #4950 resolved
Quinn created an issue

Shortest description- I imported my Steam collection, but not all games are being gathered. No errors are thrown, they just don’t show up on the list. I have not yet determined a pattern for this, only that games I can confirm are in my steam library, sometimes ones that are even installed, are not being pulled over When I do the import. Not sure which other information is useful- I will be keeping an eye on this bug report. As my Steam collection is the core of the overall collection I am tracking using LaunchBox, I consider this a major problem.

I am using LaunchBox 9.10 on Windows 10.

Some games I have confirmed are not crossing over:

Both are installed and working at the moment.

Comments (8)

  1. Quinn reporter

    SteamID is Nightsmaiden. If there’s a private way to send you the API key, I am happy to do that as well- maybe over on the forums.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Quinn, I’ve tested the Steam import with your API key (that you sent me via PM) and your Steam ID, and it is importing all of the games in my testing, including the two you mentioned. My guess is that maybe you already have those games somewhere in your collection, but they’re hidden or something, and so it’s not importing them because it thinks they’re duplicates. If you start with an empty collection, I expect that they’ll be imported just fine.

  3. Quinn reporter

    Confirmed, when I did an import into a clean profile, it was fine as far as I can tell. Very confused as to why those games would have problems, though, as I definitely do not own them anywhere but Steam.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    I would open up the data XML files in a text editor to try and find the Steam URL for those games somewhere in your collection. I’m guessing that’s the issue.

  5. Quinn reporter

    Hm, unfortunately, the ones from before got wiped in the course of doing a clean install to see if the problem persisted, I wiped those. I will keep an eye out for similar issues, though. I suspect you are right as to the cause.

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