Launchbox Profiles?

Issue #4984 closed
Hunter SB created an issue

Thanks for the amazing program you guys have made, it makes organizing my collection a breeze. One thing I’ve always wanted though is the ability to change profiles on launchbox so that i can switch from “PC Games” to “Retro Games” to “Software” for example as once you have around 1000 titles of various different platforms it can get a little messy. Another reason I’d like this feature is because I often have my younger brother with me and I have to search through tons of my more violent adult-oriented titles to find some of the family friendly ones. I realize you can just make genres/playlists with the titles you want to sort out quickly, which is what I do at the moment, but with such a large collection I think it’d be a worthwhile feature to have a one-click profile switch. Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you already have a feature like this and I just haven’t found it I’d love it if you could let me know, or if there’s some other solution that’s available.

Comments (4)

  1. Hunter SB reporter

    There was another ticket with basically the same suggestion so I just commented there and voted for it

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