Update Breaks Reference?

Issue #4985 resolved
Quan Chi created an issue

Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=97d6238f04304129'.

App: Big Box
Version: 10.0-beta-3
Type: System.TypeLoadException
Site: Void Dispose(Boolean)
Source: Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_2

at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Finalize()

Recent Log:

7:49:15 AM Music.Resume Start
7:49:15 AM Exception

Comments (5)

  1. Retro808

    Be sure that Launchbox is closed and once it is delete the VLC folder located in your Launhbox main folder. Once you restart Launchbox it will rebuild that VLC folder. See if that fixes it.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    It does look like this update will break the Ao.BigBox plugins. eatkinola is working on a new version though and previous versions had some major issues anyways.

  3. Quan Chi reporter

    Ok. Yeah I noticed. I was using 2 different versions because older features werent working on the newer version that was out. Hopefully that wont be the case on his new update so that I can go back to using just 1.

  4. Quan Chi reporter

    Switched plugin code to default and then switched to WMP via bigbox options and the issue went away. Saw Eatkinola say something about it with another issue in the forums and tried it for this issue and it worked.

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