Sort Title Forced A-Z

Issue #4995 resolved
JOHN CROFT created an issue

Please can you add a forced title option so games with “The” are not ignored and are alphabetical, iv waited since it was changed back on version 6.9, this issue is really bothersome!

Just got The Dark Pictures Man of Medan and it was put under D for Dark

*There is the old option to use Sort title thats under Other Tab but it doesn't work properly, if you write the word “The” in there then it will put the games under T but they wont be in alphabetical order

Comments (7)

  1. Christian

    There is a field in the Edit Games screen (OtherTab) titled "Sort Title" simply put the string in there that you want the game sorted by.

  2. JOHN CROFT reporter

    Not an invalid issue, i already know and said that!

    That option is broken and doesn't work Correct, again as i said above!

  3. Christian

    You were addressed in the forum post. Put the full title as you want it sorted into that field and it will indeed do what you are referring to. The status is and will remain invalid.

  4. Christian
    • changed status to open

    Following the reproduction steps presented in John's latest forum post DOES present an issue with the Sort Title not working as it should.

  5. JOHN CROFT reporter

    This is now solved with the current beta, thanks to the devs alot, i can put my ocd to rest on this now 🙂

    • Improvement: When a Sort Title is added to games, the Sort Title is sorted into the game lists without any overrides for "A", "An", or "The". This allows you to override the default sorting methods by adding a Sort Title if desired.

  6. Christian

    Believe that this was put in as of the 10.7 official, should not need the beta to do so any longer. Thanks again John for your persistence on the matter and helping track down the issue and apologize that it was required.

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