Platforms functionality to be hidden from BigBox but visible to LaunchBox

Issue #5040 new
Panos created an issue

When you prepare a niche platform eg ZX81, you need time to gather the artwork.

I think it would be nice to have the platform visible in Launchbox so you can work on it but not be displayed inside BigBox until in a presentable state.

Just a Visible checkbox in the BigBox Platforms…

Comments (7)

  1. Christian

    This is pretty easily done by simply having two instances of Launchbox. Have one be the “game ready” where you WANT to be able to see all the games/platforms, and another as your “WIP” install where you are getting resources for.

    Once you have the resources in the WIP environment simply copy the images, videos, and data files to the production system.

  2. panos Panos

    Hi Christian. Thank you very much for the reply. You would agree that a checkbox/filter would be easier and more maintenable than having 2 LaunchBox instances and operate set of files back (and worst of all…forth)

  3. Marcos Moscat

    Yes, This is a feature I’ve been looking forward to for years. I know there is few other threads with the same feature request and would be nice to put all those votes together, but in the meantime, count my vote in!

  4. Christian

    There are already two ways this can be achieved. Separate install or the Hidden or Broken tags. Will leave the ticket open to keep eyes on this issue but there are definitely options for you in the meantime.

  5. Aaron Parker

    Just chiming in to say I’d love to see this as well. While I can appreciate there are ways to accomplish this already, they are not by any means intuitive, obvious, or ideal. Managing two different LaunchBox instances is a lot of overhead. Hiding all titles definitely works, but what if you really and truly want a few games to always be hidden? You’re then losing metadata when forcing all games to be hidden.

  6. Retro808

    Christian is not discounting the mentioned item just simply advising until such time as something can be implemented there are some options to, in some way, accomplish what is needed. He did advise he would leave the ticket open.

    The more votes this can get the better chance it can be added. Jason is currently working the 2019 poll items the community voted on, as well as some other to dos, so there is a bit of a list they are working on.

    My recommendation to anyone looking to get a feature added is to also join our forum and spread the word on the item. Top requested features typically get added.

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