Exception / Stuck forever trying "Tools > Download Metadata and Media..."

Issue #5094 new
Mark Murawski created an issue

LaunchBox version 10.7

Using full licensed version.

I just made some changes to my MAME setup, and tried to run “Download Metadata and Media…” to refresh files. Here’s the exact sequence:

  1. Select “Download Metadata and Media…”
  2. Select “Next” on the “Welcome to the Download Metadata and Media Wizard” screen.
  3. On the “Where would you like to download Media from?” screen:

    1. CHECKED - LaunchBox Games Database
    2. UNCHECKED - Wikipedia
  4. Select “Next”

  5. “Would you like to download media for your games?” screen:

    1. All checked, except Steam videos.
  6. Select “Next”

  7. “Would you like to download media from EmuMovies?” screen:

    1. All checked.
  8. Select “Next”

  9. “Would you like to update games with existing metadata and/or media?” screen:

    1. Select the second option, “Yes, but do not replace any existing fields or media (recommended)”
  10. Select “Finish” to start download.

  11. Download spends several minutes “Searching” for local and remote media.
  12. Starts “Downloading metadata and images for…” many games.
  13. Gets to “Downloading metadata and images for Ghouls’n Ghosts…” and STOPS.
  14. I’ve let it sit here for…a very long time.

I turned on logging. Here’s the snippet I see in debug logs:

… many lines …

2019-12-14 11:05:16 AM Downloading "http://api.gamesdbase.com/635e38c638346133312c3161c630643035336433632b623262ffddc9fb576cc8716ac76064576666686e72646b5e.png" to "D:\Games\LaunchBox\Images\Arcade\Arcade - Marquee\Guided Missile-03.png"
2019-12-14 11:05:17 AM Downloading "http://api.gamesdbase.com/645e38c638346133312c3161c630643035336433632b623262ffddc9fb576cc8716ac76064576ac463.png" to "D:\Games\LaunchBox\Images\Arcade\Arcade - Marquee\The King of Dragons-03.png"
2019-12-14 11:05:17 AM Downloading "https://www.launchbox-app.com/Handlers/GameVideosDownload.ashx?t=e266ea64-452a-41d8-9bce-8462450b8f6a&p=Arcade\Ghouls+'N+Ghosts.mp4" to "Videos\Arcade\Theme\Ghouls_n Ghosts.mp4"
2019-12-14 11:05:18 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at (RushDownloader , Tuple2 ) 2019-12-14 11:05:18 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.TlsStream'. at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.get_InternalSocket() 2019-12-14 11:05:18 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at (RushDownloader , Tuple2 )
2019-12-14 11:05:18 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.TlsStream'.
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.get_InternalSocket()

…many lines repeating this sequence …

I also manually verified that I was able to download “Ghouls_n Ghosts.mp4” from www.launchbox-app.com. No problems.

I’m attaching the full log file with this bug.

Comments (1)

  1. Christian

    Believe this to be a known issue corrected in 10.8.1 Beta. To confirm could you do the following:
    Proceed until step 3, at which point please deselect “Big Box Cinamatix Theme Video”
    Continue as described.

    If it is the known issue giving you problems you will now be able to download all the other media as expected.

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