Feature Request: Ability to nest Platforms within Platforms

Issue #5098 new
Christian Heimlich created an issue

A relatively simple request (assuming it wouldn’t break a ton of implementation in the backend): The ability to select a Platform as a parent when editing another Platform.


I, and others I can imagine, would like to have platforms that are console add-ons to be nested under their respective consoles within my collections.


Platform: Sega Genesis

| → Platform: Sega 32X

| → Platform: Sega CD

I know that this can be achieved currently using Platform Categories but its an imperfect method due to needing to have a redundant entry for the parent console that also breaks uniformity by requiring Platform Categories and Platforms to be on the same level. This is technically a bit of a nitpick but the way I see it LB is supposed to be a front end for casuals and more perfectionist collectors alike.

If I were to do this currently with Platform Categories here is an example of how it has an annoying redundant entry and isn’t nearly a clean as the above:

Platform Category: Sega Genesis

| → Platform: Sega Genesis

| → Platform: Sega 32X

| → Platform: Sega CD

To be fair, this method would give me a filter for non-addon genesis games which could be helpful, but personally it annoys me that I need to have “Sega Genesis” under “Sega Genesis”. If I wanted the child entry to be something a bit more fitting like “Standard Genesis Games” or the like then I’d have to rename the whole platform and obviously there isn’t such a system. I could make the above a category of its own but then I’d just have to have the platform underneath that, adding yet another layer.

So overall it is a minor issue, but a feature that would be very welcome.

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