Launchbox for Android - hanging imports

Issue #5128 new
Slut Monkey created an issue

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Comments (1)

  1. Slut Monkey reporter

    I'm using a Lenovo YT3-X50F tablet running Android 6.0.1 (can't update it to anything newer) and LaunchBox 0.31, and when I try to import games it just stays on the progress circle spinning after I hit "Proceed with import" (the screen that says "Please wait while downloading and extracting updated metadata from the LaunchBox Games Database..."). Nothing else happens, and the process doesn't move forward.

    I've tried importing folders with just 1 Rom (as opposed to hundreds), deselecting all the image download options, combining Roms, etc., but all to the same effect. I've also let it sit for 24hours to see if it was just REALLY slow (contrary to what I've seen demoed on Youtube by ETA Prime).

    I can hit back to get to the previous screen, so it's not freezing or anything. Would love to see this sorted as I just bought the app! ;p

    RetroX works just fine btw, but I would really prefer to use Launchbox!

    Hope you can help.

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