BigBox Crashes when shortcut is added to Win10 'Startup'

Issue #5148 resolved
Dave Grams created an issue


I built a Windows 10 machine to run BigBox with Mame.. and pretty much nothing else at this point.

When I launch BigBox using any shortcut icon on the desktop or from the Start Menu, it launches just fine.

If I put a copy of the shortcut in the ‘Startup’ folder (Located in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup )

The program crashes with the following error (see pic)

I have been trying this with versions since 10.6 and am now on 10.10 and still can reproduce the error at will.

Troubleshooting: As stated, if I run the application from normal shortcuts it works fine. I tried adding a scrip that puts a time delay of 60 seconds before launching BigBox thru the STARTUP folder. (Thinking that maybe something in Win10 is not started yet) But it crashes no matter how long I wait to launch the app.

I would love to have BigBox load up as the computer’s desktop loads up - as I don’t wan to have to get a mouse out to navigate on my arcade machine.


Comments (16)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Dave, this is certainly an odd issue. I suspect that it’s likely controller-related somehow. I do the same on my own cab (put a shortcut to BigBox.exe in my Startup folder), and I don’t have any issues with it. I use a couple of 360 controllers, but they’re not usually on when Big Box starts up, or on boot.

    What controllers do you use?

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Do they emulate joystick/controller input, or do they emulate keyboard input? Can you try turning off controller input in Big Box to see if that fixes the issue?

  3. Dave Grams reporter

    Yes. They emulate 8 button joysticks.  What you use when you have joysticks and buttons on an arcade machine.I can try to disable or unplug them and do a reboot with bigbox in the startup this weekend.  What makes you think this is controller related?  Something in the error msg? Just curious.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    I ask because some arcade boards send keyboard presses, and some arcade boards send game controller inputs. Most arcade boards these days send keyboard presses. The error message is showing an error specifically in the game controller processing, and I’d like to confirm that’s the case before I dive into the code.

  5. Dave Grams reporter

    Okay.So I disabled the USB device in windows to keep my Player1 Game controller from booting up with the computer.(I left the USB device for the Player2 Game controller active) With P1 controller off, I was successfully able to start the computer up with BigBox in the Startup folder 6 times in a row before I re-enabled the USB device.When I re-enabled the USB device and rebooted, it crashed.  Let me know what other information I can send to help troubleshoot.  :) Dave

  6. Jason Carr repo owner

    Gotcha, makes sense, thanks for confirming. I’ll see what I can do to bypass that error.

  7. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Dave, it may be a bit before the first 10.11 beta comes out, but I’m hoping I’ve fixed this for the next beta (though I can’t be for certain because I can’t replicate it). Let me know if you’re still seeing this once 10.11-beta-1 comes out.

  8. Dave Grams reporter

    Ok. I am away from my system until Sat or Sunday... but I will let you know. (Away for a mystery birthday surprise!!)

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  9. Dave Grams reporter

    Ah. Never Mind. Got it.Unfortunately the error still appears with the 11-Beta2 version applied.

  10. Dave Grams reporter

    Jason.. some good news. Since I applied the Beta last week... I had one or two reboots where I still saw the error.Through the entire week after, I keep rebooting and except for those 2 instances, the software has not crashed on my all week.I must have booted up/rebooted at least 15 times during the week. Dave

  11. Jason Carr repo owner

    Good to hear. Sounds like you probably ran into a weird one-off issue that was a different issue then, but I can’t say for sure. I’ll go ahead and close this out for now.

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