"Alternate Game names" field for Launchbox

Issue #5172 resolved
TimberlAndRE created an issue

An additional field for alternate game names is needed. Many games have different names per region (us, germany, russia…) or per edition. So it would be useful to have a listfield of alternate names to search by.

Since you can already enter the alternative names in the GamesDB, they should also be adopted in the launch box front end. Therefore we need this additional listfield in the edit-tab for the games.

Comments (8)

  1. N H

    Definitely an important proposal, it would be a great improvement for game data completeness and support for more languages.

  2. Christopher Parris

    Would love to see this implemented. This feature would help immensely in cataloging and keeping track of games.

  3. Joseph Szupiany

    I’d also love to see this implemented. Perfect example is Mines of Titan which was also known as Mars Saga. For years I searched for Mars Saga and only recently found out it was renamed.

  4. Kyle Telechan

    I’ve been wanting to make a request similar to this myself, and almost did until I found yours.

    This is what I originally posted:

    As someone with a huge library, I’ve found myself more than once under the impression that I’m “missing” games that I’m definitely not missing because they imported under a different name than I’m searching for - whether I’m more familiar with the Japanese name, international names, or something else. This could be solved pretty simply by pulling the “alternate names” field from the Launchbox Database and including it in the search.

    I know this sometimes works if the name of the file is the same as your search term, but many times searching for an alternate name will bring nothing up even if you’ve technically got it in your library.

  5. Kyle Telechan

    I need to do some testing to see if the games come up if you search for their alternate titles in the main interface, but they absolutely do appear in a section in the “edit” dialogue, and allow you to switch them to any of their alternate names at will. That functionality was added semi recently, if I’m not mistaken.

    Edit: I can verify that you can also search using the alternate title. Launchbox dev always one step ahead!

  6. Christian

    Alternate game names has been added to LaunchBox. They can be found in the Add/Edit Game window in the tab named "Alternate Names" and are pulled from the Games Database.

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