Improved adding of rom folders

Issue #5174 new
Kasper S. Olesen created an issue

When importing roms, you select a folder and then select some options for importing, but I think many like me have ROM folders with all kinds of file types in them. Launch Box seems to try to import all kinds of files… does not actually seem to discriminate at all. Which would be fine, except it then just lists a bunch of “errors” files it for some reason figured to be a ROM, but was not a ROM.

Why not be able to just not import unrecognized files, or even better, after importing a folder, allow the user to remove “roms” from the list of roms found, or maybe take special actions per ROM?

I guess it is a bit much to call it a major priority, but seems pretty strange, but… for a front end tool this seems like functionality I would consider to be pretty basic. Especially when LaunchBox supports copying the ROMs found to its own folder. Overall a great frontend, but with all the work on improving it that seems to be going on, I am a bit surprised how lacking the import feature seems to be.

In many cases ROM files could even be given a default system type I would argue, for an import of a general ROM folder. Making a feature that digs through your ROM folders and then try to determine which folder is for which emulator and then go through all of it. Asking the user whether its guessing correctly and then mass import emulators. As a developer I know its very possible to add a feature like this, but I also know it can be problematic to scan files and folders on such a large scale.

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