LaunchBox version. 10.10 BUG

Issue #5177 new
Eyssa EX created an issue

After latest LaunchBox update my games started to shutting down suddenly!
Please send update 10.9 nd fix the problem as soon as possible..

Your client Eyssa

Comments (7)

  1. Retro808

    We need more information than this. What version were you on prior? Also what version did you update to? You mention “Send update 10.9 and fix the problem” but 10.9 is not the latest version. 10.10 is. Games run fine in the latest versions so it is something likely we need to have you correct in your set-up.

    I recommend you sign up with our forum and report there and answer the questions I asked telling us exactly what happens when you launch a game. The more information the better. On the forum we are more active and can troubleshoot better.

  2. Eyssa EX reporter

    I was version 10.9 and It has no problem, After i update to version. 10.10, after running the game for about two hours, it suddenly closes, and i need version 10.9 to fix it..(Sorry I can't speak English well).

  3. Retro808

    No worries. Your English is great. Launchbox’s recent updates should not have affected game play. All Launchbox does is send a command line to start a game. It could be a windows update or a video card update that is either needed or causing the issue. I would be sure to check Windows and your graphics card is updated with the latest firmware. You can also reinstall the last version you had by going to \Launchbox\Updates folder and running the 10.9 installer. It will not delete any settings. If this helps good. If not, it will be best if you sign on to the forum and post. It responses her can be slow.

  4. Eyssa EX reporter

    thank you for the advice's. but my friend returned to version 10.9 and Launchbox worked great without any problems. This means that the problem is from version 10.10 and not from Windows update and graphics card update.

  5. Retro808

    That’s not solely true. It still could be something specific in your set-up that is not working well with newer versions of LaunchBox.

    Our forum and discord have had no users report this issue. So for now it appears to be related to your specific system. Without further troubleshooting we would not know for sure what it is and if it is Launchbox related what to fix.

    Also 10.11 just released so I recommend trying that. You can always revert back like you did before.

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