Game Launcher Options / Scripting

Issue #5181 new
Kenny B created an issue

I have Windows games / Andriod /pinball games some of them play it portrait, I need to tell my monitor to flip, and after play flip back after the game has quit.

It would nice to have that option in the Game Launcher settings.

Or even better to allow Autohotkey scripts to fire before and after a game launch, so detailed scripting of how a game should be ran.

A quick yes or no, for this request would be nice to know now. So I could go with plan B, which would be create additional button to my arcade controller to do the flipping manually. If this ideal worth throwing out.

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    You can run an AHK before and after a game. If you right click and edit a game there is an additional apps tab. If you have a lot of games you have to do them one by one. I do believe bulk editing additional apps is something that has been brought up.

  2. Kenny B reporter

    I felt that was the answer, AHK script for changing the monitor, non of them been successful, they try to pull up the desk.cpl file and try to enter inputs to rotate the monitors, but this is not supported on Windows 10.
    I’m afraid with the monitor rotation, I’m having to go to C# and talk to the User32.dll file to do the rotation, because I’m not sure how to pull it off with Autohotkey.
    It just feels right to have this in Lunchbox setting since it’s already detecting when the file it launch is terminated, so it can rotate back to the normal position.

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