Can we get a quick launch for emulators?

Issue #5182 resolved
Kyle Herrmann created an issue

Perhaps there is a way to do this, but I haven’t seen it. I’d like the ability to just launch any of the emulators currently configured within Launchbox.

When I’m troubleshooting or tweaking an emulators settings, I typically just want to get the emulator open without anything autoplaying or hiding the interface, so I use a shortcut on my desktop.

I’d love to just go to a list within launchbox and run the emulator, without a game.

Not a huge deal, but hopefully worthy enough to consider.

Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    You can right click on a game and launch the emulator assigned to it like you are referring to. While not exactly what you are asking you would typically only use one emulator for a platform at a time so getting to the one you want shouldn’t take a considerable amount of time.

  2. Kyle Herrmann reporter

    I do have a number of PCSX2 instances, but this approach ensures I will always be launching the relevant instance of the emulator for a particular game. Definitely works for me.

    Thank you.

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