Please add the following arcade boards to the platform list

Issue #5200 new
Amir Amran created an issue

Sega Lindbergh, Segs RingEdge, Sega RingEdge 2, Sega RingWide, Taito Type X2, Taito Type X3, Taito Type X4, Taito Type X Zero, Namco ES3X.

I would expect that for such a popular emulation front end these emulated boards would be already in the list. The whole beauty of a front end is to group games for each board alone with its own platform theme video and group of games… That is why i am a premium member,

More informaion here:

and here:

Thank you,

Comments (9)

  1. Retro808

    If you are talking about in the drop down list in LaunchBox when you import games then you can just type the name in. You are not limited to the list. Any name can be entered that the user desires for their unique build. Those separate arcade boards are likely not listed since in the LB Database all arcade boards are listed under simply “Arcade”. That’s the beauty of LB is you are not tied in to a pre-populated drop down list.

  2. Amir Amran reporter

    Yes, the drop down list in the import process. The issue is not only that these are not in the list but also that when viewing the details tab in the platform edit window (right click on a platform and edit, in LB):

    1. The details tab in empty.

    2. The images section is empty

    For example, when you add the Super Nintendo platform and its games LB automatically downloads information to its details tab and if i’m not mistaken also console images. This needs to be done for all arcade boards and consoles. Otherwise why have arcade board and console import list in the first place? The whole point of LB is that it adds all the basic details and images for the user without the user needing to it, right?

  3. Retro808

    Which goes back to my response about the LaunchBox Database. The decision was made quite a while back all arcade boards would be categorized under one “Arcade” platform. That is why those boards do not have data when you add them manually. They do not get added to our DB to begin with. I would not say the whole point of LaunchBox is to add all the basic details and images for the user without the user needing to. If it was the whole point Jason would not have made it customizable per user. The whole point is to be a graphic frontend while allowing the user freedom to build their collection and present it how they want. But yes, it would be nice if it did.

    Not saying this is not a good idea. I added those as separate platforms myself. Just advising on why they are not listed and why it might be a while before it changes.

  4. Amir Amran reporter

    “…all arcade boards would be categorized under one “Arcade” platform. That is why those boards do not have data when you add them manually”.

    Not true.

    1. When you import Taito Type X game and choose Taito Type X (surprisingly appears on the list while type x2, x3, etc. are absent, why do half job and not add all?) with arcade not chosen in “scraped as” then LB will download information to its board platform details tab just as it would downloads information to the console platform tab when you import Super Nintendo game for the first time.
    2. When you import Sega RingEdge game and manually add it as “Segs RingEdge”, platform details tab is empty even though arcade was chosen in “scraped as” arcade was chosen in import>rom files.

    The first example is a suggestion of how LB should always work.

    The second example is a suggestion of how LB should not work, not because having the feature to manually name a platform how you wish to name it which i’m all for it, but because LB left the details tab empty.

    The point is, LB ALREADY downloads basic information to consoles and arcade boards tor the details tab but it should do so for all arcade boards (like it does for all consoles), not only for some arcade boards, for all.

    This does not hurt customization one bit. This is not editing, but auto brabbing basic information for all platforms, not just for some as LB currently does.

  5. Retro808

    What I said is true. Some of the systems are in the DB as they were originally added so you will get a few boards populated. Sammy, TTX, Sega Hikaru, Naomi, ST-V, SNK Neo Geo are all in our DB, but a decision was made quite a while ago to just have one Arcade listing. So this process was stopped. This is also why when users add those platforms we advise them to set the Scrape As to “Arcade” so it scrapes the right section of the database.

    Here are a couple specific posts from our forum that confirms what I am saying.

    Again, I think we should have them all in there. Just giving you information.

  6. Amir Amran reporter

    If what you say is true then how can you explain my 2. example in my previous reply? Sega RingEdge was imported with “Arcade” chosen in “scrape as” but despite that LB left its details tab empty.

    I read the links, thanks.

    I’m glad that we agree that all existing arcade boards should be listed. What is the possibility that the developers will address this issue in a future update?

  7. Retro808

    Because the platform name of Sega Ring Edge is not in our DB so it cannot pull data to populate the platform details. But games that are Sega Ring Edge games are in our database under “Arcade” so the game gets imported and scraped as “Arcade”. This is what I have been explaining. All the different arcade board games are list under “Arcade”.

  8. Amir Amran reporter

    Got it.

    We agree that platform data and games data should be grabbed from the data even when “arcade” in not chosen in “scrape as”, and that all arcade boards should be added to the platform list and DB.

    You didn’t answer my question though, What is the possibility that the developers will address this issue in a future update?

    Also, please forward this thread/suggestion to the developers,

    Thank you,

  9. Retro808

    It is possible. Probably not anytime soon and would likely need a large enough user base to request it. After all, it was like that before and the decision was made to go away from this. We will let them know.

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