Add support for custom command-line parameters for Additional Applications that use emulators

Issue #5205 new
Christian Heimlich created an issue

Currently, the only two options when it comes to additional applications is to select “Use DOSBox”/”Use Emulator” where the “Application Path” is treated as “ROM File” and is passed as a CLI parameter to the emulator exe, or not checking either where the file/application in the path is opened directly.

If either of those boxes are checked there is no way to input custom command-line parameters like there is for the game that said Additional Application resides under in the “Emulation” tab.

Use Case:

Emulating consoles/computers on MAME with multiple media types (i.e. Coleco ADAM). For these systems a media flag like “-cart1” or “-flop1” needs to be specified depending on the input media for the emulator to work. For games that have variants (and therefore under Additional Applications) that are different media than the primary the command-line parameters need to be changed to account for this. Currently there is no way to do so.

Instead, the user has to untick “Use Emulator”, set the application path as the emulator itself, and then manually specify the entire command line arguments section with the path to the ROM included in quotes.

This does work, but goes against intuition since an emulator is being used, yet you uncheck “use Emulator”, and over complicates something that could be simple and flow well with the rest of functionality in the application. I.e. I’d expect to see the same options under “Additional Apps” as I do the “Emulation” tab of the main entry if the “Use Emulator” box is checked.

I’m marking this as a minor issue since it is still possible to achieve the desired affect, it is just really clunky.

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