Please let us change BigBox resolution!!!

Issue #5217 new
Justin Rossman created an issue

I’ve been using this program for over a year now, hoping that one of the updates will allow us to change the screen resolution in BigBox, but alas, nothing.

I have 3 monitors, one of the monitors is 1440, while the other two are 1080. Even though BigBox is on the 1080 screen, it still tries to resize all the text as if it was on a 1440 screen, making a lot of the text unreadable. Please take a look at this screenshot of me trying to search for a game:

Please let me know if this feature is likely to ever be implemented, as it’s the one thing that is really stopping me from considering BigBox a perfect 10/10.

Please reply,

Justin Rossman

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Justin, just wanted to let you know that this is on my list. Unfortunately though, the solution isn’t to just change the resolutions. The problem has to do with different DPIs on different screens, which is honestly somewhat of a nightmare problem to solve (we’ve attempted to resolve it several times in the past). So it is on our list to revisit, but unfortunately it’s probably not something that will happen quickly.

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