adding images to games by dragging them onto the info panel on the right , also autodetect image type by aspect ratio (portrait -->boxfront , landscape -->gameplay)

Issue #5239 new
Akram Serry created an issue

hi there ,

i love ur app , best money spent as a games lover to be honest,

if u can do this u’ll make my life much much easier , it will save alotttt of time editing game collections and updating games.

1- adding images to games by dragging them onto the info panel on the right

2- initially autodetect image type by image aspect ratio (portrait -->boxfront , landscape -->gameplay)

3- allowing multiple video snaps to be added via same method, currently only one video per gaame is allowed

4- allow gif animation in info panel also will be great and will save alot of space and time by using gifs instead of video snaps

5-assign hotkey for adding screenshots from own gameplay automatically to current title, i mean taking screenshots while playing nd autosave it to current title images as a gameplay image.

hope u’ll consider those suggestions ,

thanks for your time

akram serry

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