Linux Support

Issue #5253 new
Cris Mead created an issue

What are your thoughts for linux support, I know most of my friends who emulate all do it on a raspberry Pi or an old PC and linux… I think Linux would be a great help to your future software income

Comments (10)

  1. Clint Theriault

    I remember this being a fairly highly voted feature in previous polls. I agree that Android is a bigger audience and probably a better investment for now, but most of the reasons Jason decided not to port it before are no longer issues now.
    .net support is much better in linux now, wine and DXVK make it possible to use the same binaries as the windows version, they’d just need to be made linux aware.
    If he’s compiling a native linux version, he can pack it as a appimage and lock it down to paid users only. I’d gladly pay again for a linux version but I’m not sure how happy the community would be about it.
    I’ve moved over to linux long ago and have stopped using LaunchBox because of this. I’d love to see bigbox on my gaming rig again, or better yet on my Raspberry Pi. Lutris does 80% of what LaunchBox does but with only about 5% the polish.

  2. boris153

    yeh i sitched to linux 4-6 months ago and i have NO plans going back so support the it whod be amazing 🙂 as gamehub just flatout crashes for me cos i have to meny games (7500+ cos of the bundle ) and it dosnt have emulation support as far as i know nor dos it look anygood so id LOVE something like this

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