Adding the ability to hide global retro score display from launchbox top bar

Issue #5295 new
klepp0906 created an issue

After turning on retroachievements in retroarch i was greeted with the top bar of launchbox displaying my retroscore.

I prefer to keep the top bar of launchbox clean and have just the actual functional options for launchbox displaying as it were until I unknowingly turned on RA achievements 😣

The only way ive found to make it disappear is to purge my login info from the launchbox options. Id prefer not to have to do this as it presents some caveats. 1 being that I cant use the retroscore or achievements anywhere else within LB/BB at that point and 2 being if i choose to re-enable it down the road I have to go track down my api key etc.

I like having everything logged in under the hood so to speak, this way I can enable or disable features as i please. This retroachievement one is proving a bit more problematic 😛

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    As a work around, if you are a premium user you can alter the xaml files to create your own custom theme and just remove that control from the XAML.

  2. klepp0906 reporter

    thank you for the reply. if push comes to shove i’ll look into doing exactly that.

    any chance this will make it in as a legitimate option at some point? If so ill just live with it and be patient.

    i’m sure your list is long, and this doesnt come near the top priority wise - however at the risk of mucking something up thats far more appealing 🙂

  3. Christian

    Jason makes the final call in regards to priority. That being said, this PROBABLY won’t be labeled as High priority internally. It IS something small and simple I can see us adding sooner despite the priority though because it is pretty small/simple to implement. At this time I am unable to provide you with any sort of ETA as to when you could expect to see the change go live.

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