Advanced search options

Issue #530 resolved
Former user created an issue

One of the best things about LaunchBox in my opinion, is that you can have a list that displays all of the roms you have, despite system. Using this list and the search window i can try and find different ports of the same titles.

For instance, i can type "Mario" and it will show all Mario games i have from all systems. Or i can type "Doom" and compare all the different ports.

The problem is, however, that some terms also bring up completely unrelated games. Like "Sonic" for instance. I was trying to see how many Sonic games i have added in the program and it would also bring up a bunch of 3DO games that don't even have the word sonic in their titles. Why? Because in the description on the right, it says they were published by Panasonic. So they end up in the list... This happened with other titles as well (that i can't remember now). Unrelated titles show up only because the word exist in the name of the developer or publisher, it shows up in the lists, making this whole process very inconvenient.

So, is there a way to make the search a bit more advanced? Like making it look only at a game title and ignore other description info? Or making it look for developers only or publishers only, if you want all games from a certain company. Or, how about making it look for the exact word only? For instance, i want to look for "Doom" only, no "Doom Troopers" or "Towers of Doom".

There is so much potential using the search window this way. Is that possible?

Comments (7)

  1. Imgema

    This could become one of the most useful features and one that you don't always see in other similar programs. I think OpenEmu has something like this but i'm not sure how good it is.

  2. Mousnis

    Yeah, the search function isn't much useful as is, especially if you have 5000+ titles.

    It needs some options so we can exclude unrelated results. Or at least only show results of the exact title we type.

  3. Brett S.

    Any progress on this?

    Hyperspin can have Hypersearch installed , which does this sort of thing...would love it in Launchbox; it would inspire me to buy the premium immediately...

  4. Jason Carr repo owner
    • edited description
    • changed status to resolved

    This has been implemented with the nested filters and auto-populate playlist options in Big Box and LaunchBox.

  5. Brett S.

    I agree, we need the nested filters function OUTSIDE of BIGBOX, hit one key, BAM search stuff...would be AWESOME...

    In BIGBOX at least, if you go to bottom menu Tas (arrow down), you can click a icon that lets you do a nested search...

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